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Jerusalem, Capital of Israel, Palestine or of the World?

Since ancient times, peoples all over the world have been fighting to seize the city of Jerusalem. Donald Trump's decision to recognize this city as the capital of Israel has reignited tensions in recent years. But does Jerusalem hold a secret that drives men from all countries to want to seize it?

Several political scientists have been saying for decades that whoever gets their hands on the city of Jerusalem will rule the world. This would explain this frantic race for the domination of this city which, not so long ago, was only a village at the top of a mountain, a town ignored and abandoned by all. But for a hundred years, the attention of the world has again been centered on this piece of land which has nothing particularly attractive, neither natural wealth nor buried treasures. Just a story. A story that has and continues to mark History.

According to the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, the thrice-holy city has a history that dates back more than three thousand five hundred years. “The human occupation of the Jerusalem area is attested since the Chalcolithic by ceramic fragments found near the source of Gihon and dating from around 3500 BC. These pottery fragments are the first remains discovered to date on the site of Jerusalem”.

In 1909, excavations around the source of Gihon, brought to light caves dug in the rock that served as tombs. There were found jars, bowls and jugs. These potteries are dated to Early Bronze I (early 3rd millennium BC). Archeology shows that the city remained intact, although very small, covering only 3 to 4 hectares. Its total population did not exceed 1,500 inhabitants. Despite its size, Jerusalem was a politically important city that wielded influence over surrounding cities.

On their exit from Egypt by Moses, the Hebrews went to settle in the land of Canaan, under the direction of Joshua. The country thus conquered took the name of the Land of Israel. But Jerusalem had not yet taken on the importance it is known for, even if it was still present in people's minds. It was King-Prophet David who made the city famous, making it his capital. His son, also a prophet, attracted visitors from all over the world, including the famous Queen of Sheba.

Then, both the Persians, the Babylonians, the Greeks, the Syrians, ... wanted to get their hands on the city, with more or less success. It is in this city that the Berber Pharaoh Chachnaq (or Schishak) set foot by looting his temple and the palace of his king Rehoboam.

Jerusalem therefore remained the reference city for the Jewish people until the time of Jesus. But he prophesied over it and announced its imminent destruction. This was done by the Roman armies in the year 70 AD. Since then, the city has changed hands several times, passing through the hands of the Arabs, the Crusaders, then the Ottomans, until the end of the First World War. It was at this time that the British Foreign Secretary, Lord Balfour, promised to return the city to its former owners, the Jews who were scattered all over the world.

In 1948, the creation of the State of Israel put the city of Jerusalem back in the center of world news. In 1967, after the so-called six-day war, it was entirely taken back from Jordan, which considered it its property. Negotiations between the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority still fail because of disagreements over this city. The prophet Zechariah even predicted that Jerusalem would become "a cup of stupefaction" for the surrounding peoples.

One can legitimately wonder why the world always finds itself on the brink of conflagration, because of such a small and insignificant city, and why the prophets from the earliest times gave it such importance.

Jerusalem, at the center of the world

The answer could be more scientific than political or religious. Even if the pretenders to the city do not know it, there is a mystery that leads all men to want to own it. And it would be geological. Because scientists have looked everywhere for an explanation of the mystery of Jerusalem. Including in astronomy, and geophysics.

A beginning of solution came from the 16th century (in 1596), by Abraham Ortelius in his book "Thesaurus Geographicus", then in the 17th century, when the American researcher P. Placet took up the theory according to which the Earth, such as we know it, has not always had the same shape, and that the continents could have a different topography. He had then published a book entitled "Where it is proven that before the Flood, there were no islands and that America was not separated from the rest of the world". It was in 1668. But this thesis did not have the support of the scientific community of the time. And even when the German Alfred Wegener took up the idea in 1912, scientists had rejected it. In 1915, he published a book entitled "The Genesis of the Continents and the Oceans". It was not until the early 1960s that the international scientific community finally admitted that the phenomenon of Continental Drift was very real.

But what about Jerusalem?

It was another scientist, a Frenchman Fernand Crombette, who was behind these revelations. "Self-taught, a solitary researcher, confined to his study or assiduously frequenting libraries, working for posterity without concern for making himself known or recognized, up early, studying tirelessly, he seemed to want to disappear entirely behind his work. So he wanted to remain discreet, unknown, and he signed his works under a pseudonym”. Can we read in his biography.

His work was entirely written between 1933 and 1966. It addresses many disciplines by casting new light on each of them, born of a remarkable spirit of synthesis and based on a deep conviction of the scientific and historical inerrancy of the Bible. This certainty – foreign to the modern mind – was naturally reinforced by the discoveries it was given to accomplish.

He then went to libraries and then to the University of Grenoble to obtain the necessary geological and bathymetric maps and applied himself to reconstructing the primitive continent that geographers today call Pangea. His idea was not to stop at the current contours of the continents, which vary according to sea level, but to take into account the extreme edge of the continental slope at -2000 meters, that is to say where the seabed abruptly changes slope to join, at -4000 meters, the abyssal pit. A genius idea since current underwater drilling confirms, 60 years later, that the continental granite basement, below the marine sediments, does stop at this point. Fernand Crombette had taken up Kant's cosmogonic thesis according to which the "waters from above, as specified in the Bible, separated by God during Creation, formed an aqueous ring around the earth, a ring whose progressive fall fed the forty days of flood rain in the days of Noah ».

Fernand Crombette completely reconstructed, between 1933 and 1945, the puzzle of the primitive continent, with the banks and islands today scattered on the basaltic bottom of the seas as well as the exact path traveled by each of the continental masses, in the drift. The result confounds the imagination: the single primitive continent had received the regular and harmonious shape of an eight-petalled flower with Jerusalem occupying the center. It should be emphasized that this work began not from this center – which could have influenced the reasoning – but from the Falkland Islands and the tip of South America. This is his ‘Essay on divine geography…’ in which he explains the surface and the orography of the world.

Unfortunately, this genius of unparalleled modesty did not deem it necessary to publicize his discoveries. Despite the publication of many books, he continued to be unknown to the general public. Moreover, dealing with the sensitive issue of Jerusalem, few newspapers have had the courage to report on it. However, this discovery could have shed some light on the Mystery of Jerusalem, instead of keeping it in the dark, thus exposing it to the greed of politicians and religious.

If Jerusalem is the capital of the world, then we see things better by considering that this city does not really belong to anyone in particular, but that its occupants would only be its guardians, thus preserving it from unnecessary wars and struggles. which cause so much unhappiness. Even today, everyone wants to have control over Jerusalem. From Washington to Moscow, from Mecca to Rome. Everyone wants to possess it to better dominate the world.

Fernand Crombette meanwhile, in all simplicity continued to do his research, publishing several works on ancient languages, questioning a certain number of theories and dogmas hitherto accepted and not discussed.




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 I am Sixty years old. I work as a journalist. I am specialized in North-African Christian History. I'm always trying to reconnect my people who has become Muslim to their Christian Legacy by making them discover their ancestors' life and faith.


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