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About us


I am a member of a group of researchers specialized in christian North African history: The North African Christian History Study and Research Group = Groupe d'Etude et de Recherche sur l'Histoire Chrétienne de l'Afrique du Nord.


Our aim is to help people discover the christian history of North Africa, and its contribution to western civilisation. The other target is to make norh africans discover their christian heritage through characters as Simon of Cyrene, Tertullien, Cyprian, Augustine, and many others.


About the author:

I am of Muslim origin, I met Jesus forty years ago. I asked myself some questions about the Christian history of North Africa. Being a documentarian by training, a journalist by profession, formerly a teacher at the University of Algiers, I have long researched the biblical history of my people. This research led to the publication of a book in 2018 entitled "The Berbers in the Bible". The Berbers in the Bible: Origins, Life and Future eBook : Ziani, Nabil, Oulahbib, Lucien: Kindle Store


My research has also led me to discover that North Africa played an important role in the evangelization of the West. In Acts 11, it is said that it was brothers from Cyrene (North Africa) and Cyprus who evangelized Antioch. And this is the place where the disciples were first called "Christians". It is these same Berbers who evangelized Egypt, Spain, Catalonia and a part of France.

Going further in research, I discovered that Saint Mark, who wrote the first gospel, was a native of Cyrene, the same region as Simon, and his two sons, Alexander and Rufus. While the father carried the cross of Jesus at Passover, tradition tells us that Alexander and Rufus were among the one hundred and twenty disciples who received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. St. Mark is regarded by the Copts (egyptian christians) as the founder of the Church of Egypt.

So these first findings pushed me to go in search of the history of the first Christians in North Africa and their role in the evangelization of the West, alongside Peter, Barnabas and Paul, with as a gateway, Simon of Cyrene and his two sons, Alexander and Rufus.

I am an author of several books, in addition to "The Berbers in the Bible," published in 2018 (in french).

  • "Wonders in the Bible" translated into Spanish "Maravillas en la Biblia", 2013-2018;

  • "La dix-huitième épouse", and its English translation "The Eighteenth Woman", 2016;

  • "L’Amour au temps de la terreur = Love in the time of terror", 2018; etc.

I also have titles pending publication.

I am also co-author of a film script, an Algerian-Portuguese feature film entitled "Zeus" by Paulo Felippe Monteiro; and in an Algerian-German play, "Fear must change sides". I have also written a film script about the Trial of Jesus (Mishpat Iudicium) with I am currently looking for a producer.

Being a researcher and a journalist, I have also published numerous articles in newspapers and on the Internet, and gave numerous conferences in Algeria and in France.



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