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John, called Mark, was one of the early christian missionaries. He was a disciple of Simon Peter, a helper of Paul and the cousin of Banabas.


Mark wrote the first gospel ever, and with his mother Mary, welcomed the first christian meetings in their house, from the Last Supper of Jesus, to the pouring out of the Holy Spirit and the gathering of the early church house. 


Mark was also a friend of Simon of Cyrene and his two sons Alexander and Rufus. Like them, he was a native from Cyrene. Tradition says that he was the Master of Ceremonies in Cana, Galilee where Jesus turned water into wine.


John Mark is also known to be the first to evangelize in Egypt. The coptic believers still venerate his memory as he founded the first Egyptien church where he was martyred in Alexandria.




His real name was Joseph. He was known in the early church for having sold his property and given the money to the Apostles. He was a well respected prophet and was sent to Antioch to help the new born church. After that, he brought Saul of Tarsus to Antioch and showed him how the scriptures talked about Jesus.


They went together to Jerusalem to meet the Apsotels, and Barnabas was the mentor of the young Saul. Many years later, they started together the first missionary journey before separating because of a misundestanding with John Mark.

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